
How to Soothe your Sick Child

A sick baby is rarely happy baby as your infant or toddler will likely be fussy and out of control in any sorts during their illness. You will need to check in with your pediatrician and follow the treatment instructions that they will suggest you do. This will help your little ones to get relaxed and more comfortable. Beyond that, you will just have to wait for the illness to run its course, especially if your baby is sick with the viral infection. In the meantime, there are a number of steps that you can take to soothe your sick infant as:

·         Plenty of liquids

You must make sure that your child is getting plenty of liquids to prevent dehydration. Therefore, depending upon whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding, offer your infant the breast or bottle more often than usual to provide both hydration and comfort. Your sick baby may not feed for their normal duration so smaller and more frequent feeding will prevent dehydration. Your infant may also enjoy a small 2 to a 4-ounce bottle filled with cool water if he/she is older than 6 months.

·         Plenty of rest

Lots of rest and sleep will help to soothe your sick baby and will help them in healing. You must put your baby to bed early, if you can, and should encourage naps. You should also avoid situations which can stimulate your little ones and can possibly expose others to her germs, and keep your baby as quiet as possible.

·         Ease Coughing

You should offer a small amount of warm, fluids to help your baby thin out mucus. You can even try 1 to 3 teaspoons of war, apple juice or water four times a day while the cough lasts. If your kid is older than 12 months, you can also use honey. You should offer ½ teaspoon to teaspoon throughout the whole day as required. You can even use it before bed, too. As per the reports and studies suggest, it works better than cough syrup to ease hacking at night.

Running a cold mist humidifier in your infant's room will help to keep the air moist and ease congestion. Therefore, you must be sure to follow the manufacturer's instruction for changing filters and keeping the humidifier clean and should fill with fresh water every day for preventing mold and bacteria.

·         Warm bath

Not only will warm bath will help your baby to feel more relaxed and comfortable in soothing their sickness, it will even ease their pain and steam them from the warm water, which will also help in clearing congestion. You should dry your baby thoroughly afterward to prevent chills.

·         TLC

By far the best method to soothe your sick baby is to give them lots of love and attention. You should hold them and engage in quiet play, give them an infant massage or should read or sing for them. You should talk to them and reassure them, whether they are old enough to understand or not as your voice will help them relaxing and soothing your sick infant.


You can follow the above-listed features that will help your little ones to get warm, relaxed and more comfortable even if in their sickness mood.

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