
7 Tips for Moms with Newborn Babies

After a few weeks from the birth of your newborn baby, your child may start to become more active. However, we know the effects on parents can be completely the opposite. Therefore below are some of the top 7 tips for moms with newborn babies, from the mouth of real mom

1. Get your baby to latch

If you are having a latch on issues while breastfeeding your baby, then to make it ease you can use breast shields to help with the process. This is a wonderful tip that you will generally learn from your lactation consultant.

2. Keep your baby awake during feeding
When your newborn baby is eating slowly and sleepily, then you must massage his or her cheeks to stimulate her to eat faster. A gentle stork with the fingertips on her cheeks is all it takes, and in those long sleepless nights, this simple trick is a godsend. Because of which, you can keep awake to your baby during bottle feeding.

3. Baby bond with Dad   
You must make sure that your baby gets an ample amount of time along with his dad. His touch and voice are different from yours and this is a bonding process which gives you a break too. It helps the baby used to be with someone other than you. By allowing this time, your child will learn there is more way to receive comfort, which will help immensely when you leave your babysitting with another family.

4. Crib comfort
Usually, it is seen that the newborn baby likes to sleep only with their moms. Every time you will notice that when you will put your baby in the bassinet after he or she sleeps, then immediately they would wake up crying. Therefore, you must start wrapping up your child into a blanket around a heating pad and let them warm up your baby bed while you feed them.

5.  Sleep trick
When your baby was around 3 weeks old, he or she would cry and fuss because they must be having a hard time falling asleep. So, you can start rubbing your child’s nose and it will work for them to get asleep. In fact, it works every time; therefore we must start at the top and stole it straight down to the tip, over and over.

6. Baby’s first baths
After the baby’s umbilical cord stump falls off, you will finally be able to give your kid a bath. To keep your baby warmer, there must be more comfortable and less likely to cry place a warm washcloth over her tummy during the bath. It helps to make a difference between a happy water baby and a miserable one. These tips make all the difference for your little child who will love their bath time.

7. Layer your baby’s crib
When a baby has a diaper blowout or upset tummy especially in the middle of the night, then it can be difficult for both mom and baby to unmake the entire crib or bassinet and change all the wet sheets and all the fussing makes it that much difficult to get the baby back to sleep. So, you must put two layers of sheets and waterproof mattress covers on the crib mattress at the time. This will help you as well as your baby to get more comfort during their night sleep.


Hope above all points will surely help the mothers with the newborn baby to keep them safe and feel more comfortable.

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